Each year, during the budget process, the Lexington County School District One Board of Trustees approves student fees for the school year.
These fees are used to purchase “consumable goods” — digital access, workbooks, and/or supplies that the student will use during classroom activities/projects and which cannot be used again by another student.
Any fees collected by a school and not appearing on these lists are voluntary and not required.
Lexington Technology Center Fees (Student's fees are found under the "Supply" column. Any additional amounts listed beyond this total, LTC will pay through received grants.)
1. Meetings vary, as needed. Advisors will reach out with meeting details. Typically, meetings are before school and in LTC Room 317.
2. Membership fee for 2024-2025 was $50. This included membership to LTC DECA, SC DECA, DECA Inc., as well as a T-shirt.
3. At least 1 field trip is offered, per year. Community service & social events are also offered.
4. Students have the option to compete at the Region Conference, State Conference, and can qualify at the State Conference to then advance to the International Conference. There is a leadership conference available to DECA officers.