Power Equipment Technology 1- 630001CD
Grades 10-11, 12 2 units
Industry Credential Alignment: EETC Principles of Small Engine Technology
This course introduces students to small gasoline engines regardless of the level of knowledge on the subject. Practical application in the lab provides instruction on two and four stroke theory and repair under the supervision of an experienced mechanic. General safety and the proper use of tools and equipment associated with small gasoline engine repair are covered to keep students safe while working in the lab environment. Students receive training on small internal combustion engines used on portable equipment such as lawn mowers, chainsaws, rotary tillers, motorcycles, pumps and compressors. The training includes locating and solving problems, using specialized test equipment, overhauling the basic engine, and repairing or replacing engine systems.
Please note that this course requires a final grade of 75 or higher or demonstration of mastery of industry skills to progress to Level II.
Power Equipment Technology 2- Honors 630101HD
Grades 12, 11 2 units
Prerequisite: Power Equipment Technology 1
Grade of 75 or higher in the prerequisite course or approved demonstration of industry skills.
Industry Credential Alignment: Yamaha Marine Certification
This course undertakes the study of more complex engines and power transmission systems. Students are involved with outboard and motorcycle repair as well as high-performance applications of small engines. Instruction in realistic shop situations is presented along with a thorough investigation of career opportunities. Students may be eligible to participate in cooperative work experiences or apprenticeships, which combine career and technology training with supervised work experience in business and industry.