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Machine Technology


Phone: 803-821-3033


Degrees and Certifications:

Gray Bedenbaugh

I graduated from Midlands Technical College in 2000. My career started in 1999 at small job shop called Hanks Tech. Inc., where I worked part time while going to college. After graduating, I soon became a supervisor, and started a 10 year journey full of exciting new things. In 2010, I started my own landscaping business, built it into a full time job, and left Hanks Tech. Inc. After a couple of summers, I realized how much I missed the machining trade and started searching for something to fill that void. In 2012, I accepted the job of Machine Tool Technology Instructor at Lexington Technology Center.

I am currently working on my third year at LTC and loving every minute of it.

I am married to a lovely woman and together we have two boys. Both love to play sports and video games. In my spare time I love to hunt, fish, and play with my boys outdoors.