Law Enforcement Services 1- 651001CD
Grades 11, 10, 12 2 units
This course is designed to provide the student with a foundational knowledge of the law enforcement system with specific emphasis placed on modern police practices, techniques, and South Carolina state law. Students will understand and demonstrate many policing practices such as conducting an arrest and or search without violating a citizen’s 4th amendment rights, writing detailed reports, handling scenarios, being able to write a traffic ticket, and conducting a traffic stop from start to finish. Upon completion of this course the student will be able to define and demonstrate the application of key terms used in the law enforcement field. Students will work independently as well as in groups to role play and make presentations to demonstrate their learning.
Please note that this course requires a final grade of 75 or higher or demonstration of mastery of industry skills to progress to Level II.
Law Enforcement Services 2- Honors 651101HD
Grades 12, 11 2 units
Prerequisite: Law Enforcement 1
Grade of 75 or higher in the prerequisite course or approved demonstration of industry skills.
Industry Credential Alignment: Microburst Learning Employability Soft Skills
This course is designed to expand on the knowledge and skills learned in Law Enforcement Services I. Students will demonstrate these skills by working together to solve a major crime scene, take their conclusions to court, locate suspects in an unknown building/environment, and conduct a high risk traffic stop. Students will continue to understand the importance of South Carolina State law and the rights of the citizens. They will have the opportunity to hear from other experts from the law enforcement field, join the Explorers program with Lexington County Sheriff’s department or complete a semester-long internship with the Sheriff’s department. Students who complete this pathway may be eligible for employment as a detention officer, which helps prepare them for possible entrance to the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy when they turn 21 years of age.