Building Construction 1- 606000CD
Grades 11, 10, 12 2 units
Industry Credential Alignment: OSHA 10
This course is part of the instructional program that prepares students to perform entry-level building construction tasks under the direction of a supervisor or an experienced craftsman. Primary instruction is given in basic carpentry, masonry, residential electricity and plumbing and safety practices.
Please note that this course requires a final grade of 75 or higher or demonstration of mastery of industry skills to progress to Level II.
Building Construction 2- Honors 606100HD
Grades 12, 11 2 units
Prerequisite: Building Construction 1
Grade of 75 or higher in the prerequisite course or approved demonstration of industry skills.
Industry Credential Alignment: HBI
This course provides in-depth instruction on floor systems, wall framing, roofing and brick masonry. Students learn to read and interpret blueprints, sketches and building plans. Students may be eligible to participate in cooperative work experiences or apprenticeships, which combine career and technology training with supervised work experience in business and industry.
Please note that this course requires a final grade of 75 or higher and demonstration of mastery of industry skills to progress to Level III (Project Management).
Construction Project Management (LTC)- Honors 690100HD
Grade 12, 11 2 units
Prerequisite: Building Construction 2 completed or concurrent and application
Grade of 75 or higher in the prerequisite course or approved demonstration of industry skills.
The curriculum of this course is designed to introduce students to the process of initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, and closing construction-related projects. Assignments align with the standards of the prerequisite Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses that build up to this capstone course. Students become familiar with the nine essential areas of Project Management through hands-on, accountable, project-based learning.
Construction Project Management students are responsible for managing the construction of the LTC student house under the supervision of their Building Construction instructor.