Auto Collision Repair Technology 1- 602000CD
Grades 10-11, 12 2 units
Medical Alert: Students with asthmatic conditions should be aware of dust and fume concerns.
Industry Credential Alignment: Automotive Service Excellence (ASE)
This course introduces the structure of the automobile and the use of all tools necessary for body panel repairs and refinishing. First-year students, focusing on basic repair skills, accomplish actual repair jobs. Hands-on skill development and production activities comprise three-fourths of the course with the remaining being spent in a formal classroom setting. Students participating in this program have the opportunity to become certified by ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) and in I-CAR (Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair).
Please note that this course requires a final grade of 75 or higher or demonstration of mastery of industry skills to progress to Level II.
Auto Collision Repair Technology 2- Honors 602100HD
Grades 11, 12 2 units
Prerequisite: Auto Collision Repair Technology 1
Grade of 75 or higher in the prerequisite course or approved demonstration of industry skills.
Industry Credential Alignment: Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), I-CAR Certified Technician, S/P2
Medical Alert: Students with asthmatic conditions should be aware of dust and fume concerns.
This course allows students to study paint finishes and, after proper proficiency is displayed, paint automobiles. Students learn the basic fundamentals of MIG welding. The measuring, pulling and straightening of collision cars is studied. Students also become proficient at shop management and damage estimating. Students participating in this program have the opportunity to become certified by ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) and in I-CAR (Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair). Students may be eligible to participate in cooperative work experiences or apprenticeships, which combine career and technology training with supervised work experience in business and industry.